Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Since the purpose of this blog was to document my daily walking (thus the “2 to 4 a Day” title), the last two months have been a blatant, out-and-out, shameless stalling for time.

I’ve told you about my new grandson, about my elderly parents, about flowers and picture projects and big walleyes. I’ve told you about birthday parties and field trips and poetry contests. I've even stooped to telling you about sheet creases, for gosh sakes.

And yes, sometimes I whined about my bum knee.

I’d walk one day and have to take the next day off to rest the knee. I’ve purposely kept my walking routes close to home in case of a knee malfunction—sometimes walking in circles and squares and spirals, just so that I’m never more than a few blocks from my house. And I’ve resorted to the treadmill again (for those of you who've glanced at “Last Movie I Watched,” you probably noticed a larger-than-normal turnover in that section).

But I’m happy to report that I can once again tentatively, legitimately blog under the title “2 to 4 a Day.” With the help of my new unattractive-yet-functional knee brace (see below), I am regularly managing two miles a day, and sometimes throw in a little more for good measure. On Mother’s Day, my daughter and I walked three miles on the Central Lakes Trail (hurray!). And in four days, I am determined to walk that Autism 5K (3.1 miles) around Lake Calhoun that I had originally intended to run.

To tell you the truth, I don’t know if my knee is a whole lot better than it was a few weeks ago. I do know that walking does not make it worse, which was my original fear. And I think a person gets used to aches and pains after awhile, accepting them as the norm, and moving on with life.

I suppose if I stopped to listen to my knee at any given time, it’s still there, protesting any type of an activity like a whiny, overtired child. But just like anything annoying—person, place, or thing—after awhile, it’s best to just tune them out. Life’s too short to listen to my niggling knee.

I’ve got places to walk, you know. The world is full of wooded paths to ramble and hidden lanes to explore.

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