Friday, March 06, 2009


We still keep walking, Tom and I—and the goal is always two to four miles a day. We’ve been getting up and walking at 7 a.m. for about an hour, and that works pretty well. Most of the Pebble Creek self-appointed, busybody, path Nazis are still in bed, so we get to walk in peace. Once we figured out where the walking paths are, we have had some beautiful walks.

Walking Path at Pebble Creek

This morning, we had to babysit early, so we took Colbie and Tally, my son’s yellow lab, for an hour-and-fifteen-minute walk in a park near their home. They have such a cool stroller—nothing like the wobbly-wheeled, flimsy strollers we had back in the Dark Ages when Tom and I had little kids. With this stroller, we could walk as fast as our 60-plus legs would carry us, and the stroller maneuvered beautifully.

Colbie and Grandma Walking Our Two-to-Four-a-Day in the Park

How does life get any better than this? It couldn’t possibly!

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